
Get Yourself Tested for COVID-19 in Just $150—for Uninsured Citizens
Coronavirus is a deadly, world-shaking virus that has left the global population and economy in absolute devastation. There are many kinds of coronavirus; one

7 Ways to Have a Happy (and Safe) Halloween During COVID-19
So many of us have been anticipating October. Right about this time, there begins to be a bit of a nip in the air.

5 Revolutionary Paths To Help With Long Illnesses
Illness is an inevitable part of life. But when it becomes prolonged, debilitating, and endures no cure throughout life, it turns into long-term or

Antibiotics Called “Dangerous” for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Chronic UTI Sufferers
Asymptomatic bacteriuria occurs in 3% to 5% of healthy young women, with a higher prevalence among women with diabetes and among older women.

Breathing Exercises Easing Asthma Symptoms
The role of complementary and alternative medicine in asthma management is unclear but growing in popularity. We encourage yoga for all our patients and

Treating Food Poisoning
Food poisoning occurs when someone eats a food that contains a parasite, bacterium or virus that makes him/her ill. The symptoms could show up

Diagnosing And Treating A UTI
One of the most frequent diagnoses in family medicine, a urinary tract infection (UTI) is a condition that accounts for more than 8 million

High Blood Pressure Symptoms
The cardiovascular system is a complex set of blood vessels and arteries powered by the heart that send blood pumping throughout the body.

How is Strep Throat Caused?
Nobody wants to suddenly come down with severe throat pain — especially not when that scratchy, sore throat accompanies a fever, swollen tonsils, and